Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being alone can be so free...but sometimes it feels like i'm in a cage. Locked out from everyone else around me. Once has someone attempted to come in the cage and sit we me so I wasn't alone. I thought that was love...I realized he left the door open so he could run out if he wanted to, and he did. Something I did in the tiny space we had made him draw back, and turn away from me. Another time I thought someone was going to stay, but after 6 months he left to. So now I lock the door from my side and keep everyone out. I don't want to chance someone leaving again. I have my job, my friends, and things I love to keep me occupied. I don't need a man anymore. I will decorate my cage the way I want to, and ignore the people outside the cage. I will be happy and live on in my own little space.